Innisfil’s new Official Plan adopted

At the Council Meeting held on January 17, 2018, Town Council adopted the Town’s new “Our Place Official Plan.”  This plan will have new policies to enhance place making and guide development in “Our Place” to the year 2031.

The Official Plan must be approved by the County of Simcoe before taking effect. An Official Plan is a document that includes a statement of goals, objectives and policies for managing growth and development. It sets out a comprehensive framework for land use decision-making in our community.  Some policies in the Official Plan have immediate and visible effects, while some policies are more long-term. An Official Plan is important because it affects everyday life through policies about where and how housing, employment, parks, community facilities and other land uses will be developed over the next twenty years.  It includes how the Town of Innisfil will “protect and enhance our natural environment, our rural town character, our shoreline, our urban core and communities. It shapes how our neighbourhoods will look and feel in 20 years and how our water, sewer, transportation and other infrastructure is put in place.”

To read the final “Our Place” document, it can be downloaded by clicking the following link:  Our Place Official Plan – Final A matrix summarizing responses to public comments on the “Our Place” draft can be viewed through this link. If you have questions or are not yet on the Town’s “Our Place” email notification list to receive updates, please send an email to

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