Road Ends to become Lakeside parks

The town recently held its second virtual open house meeting covering plans for the future of many recreational elements. The focus of the presentation was an update on many draft recommendations for the 30-year plan to improve access and enjoyment of Innisfil’s waterfront and parks including road-end parks – now called lakeside parks.

Topics included improvements to lakeside parks and waterfront facilities, direction on year-round waterfront programming needs and opportunities, whether there is any interest and market for a municipal marina or town-operated docks, and consideration of opportunities to attract waterfront based commercial uses (e.g., additional pop-up shops).

Forty-eight road-end parks may all qualify as Lakeside parks!

These small parks come in a wide range of sizes, access, uses, and amenities. The recently improved lakeside parks at Gilford Road, Shore Acres Drive, and 9th Line are examples of upgrades. Work on the Big Bay Point park [shown] is almost finished.

Some of the locations are at Big Bay Point & Sandy Cove (11):  1. Guest Road 2. Side Road 30th N. 3. Alcina Avenue 4. Algonquin Avenue 5. Gooch Park Drive 6. Big Bay Point Road 7. Side Road 30th S.  8. West Street 9. 13th Line 10. Lockhart Road 11. Purvis Street.

Alcona (7):  1. 9th Line 2. Tall Tree Lane 3. Roberts Road 4. Eastern Avenue 5. Centre Avenue 6. Northern Avenue 7. 25th Side Road.

Big Cedar Point (9) 1. 7th Line 2. Cross Street 3. Edgewood Avenue 4. Bayview and Woodgreen 5. Roslyn Avenue 6. Chandos Avenue 7. 6th Line 8. St. Johns Road 9. Maple/Dudley.

Gilford (8):  1. 2nd Line 2. Wood Street 3. North Shore Drive 4. Lakeshore Boulevard 5. Shores Acres Drive 6. Lindy Lane 7. Poplar Drive 8. Gilford Road.

Key Considerations are very detailed including water access, parking, environmental, drainage, winter access, privacy, and user impacts. What are they currently being used for? Is there a formal boat launch, Informal boat launch, beach/swimming access, ice fishing access? You can find more information at

A few of the many features addressed in the draft recommendations are improved access, new amenities, beach enhancements, naturalization and shoreline enhancements, programming improvements.  Installation of pathways from road to water to provide safe access for all types of mobility, provide pay parking as appropriate, designated resident parking as appropriate,  barrier-free access when possible, swing gates to permit emergency and maintenance access, is there a need for a clear path to lake and permission for ice fishing access.

At a minimum, all lakeside parks will have some seating, shade, signage, litter receptacles and bicycle parking. Lighting will be determined on a site-by-site basis. Opportunities for boat launches, lookouts and platforms will be considered where appropriate. Lakeside parks launch space and amenities for canoes, kayaks and stand-up paddleboards, designated lakeside parks for fishing, Ice fishing access.

Next Steps in the process: Review and assess feedback, refine, detail and cost recommendations, prepare designs for specific parks, develop plans for each lakeside park to articulate recommendations and, finally to prepare a draft master plan report for review. A third public meeting will be scheduled for later in the spring.

More Information:

Find links to the first meeting documents and YouTube videos at:

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